
Fake Chapter 1

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

    I landed with a thud on a surface covered in plant life. I stared helplessly at the sky as I saw the fluorescent blue and red lights of the ship faded into the inky navy of this planet’s night sky. What planet am I on anyways? I pondered and rose up from where I lay. I dusted off my clothing (a light grey tank top and blue mesh shorts). When I moved my left arm to do so, a jolt of pain went threw it. I instinctively glanced at it to see if I had been hurt.      
    I managed to receive a long scratch that ran the length of my forearm. I couldn't remember if I'd gotten it during the fight or from the fall. I supposed that didn't matter now. What mattered was figuring out where in the galaxy I was.  
From my pocket, I pulled out my Mexa-Reader. I didn’t know if the Satellite function would still work on my palm sized blue reader after my fall, but I took my chances. I pressed the familiar black button in the upper right hand corner, and watched as the light turquoise holograms surrounded me. I grinned widely. I knew the Mexa-Readers were sturdy, but having it work after a fall like mine is absolutely stunning. I’d have to alert their company head when I got back.
You mean if you get back a nasty voice snarled. I shook my head a little, as if to rid the thought from my brain, and scanned the holograms of the programs I had on my Mexa. After a bit of searching, I found my neglected Satellite program and selected it. 
A loading icon appeared, reading ‘Please Wait’ underneath it. I groaned. Now is not the time for lag Mexa. This is serious I thought. I tapped my fingers against my thighs and bounced my foot against the ground. After a few millennium, an image of the planet I was on appeared. 
    It was mostly dark blue, with patches of green jutting out in odd shapes. I nearly cried. Anyone who is anyone knew of this planet and it’s terribly ignorant people. ‘Earth’ blinked above this planet as if it enjoyed seeing my pain. A little red dot blinked on my location on one of the patches. I clicked on it. 
    It read in white letters ‘Ezra Menika. Former Member of Fleet 374 in the Jenlinch Sector. Location: Portland, Oregon. United States of America. North America’. I turned off my Mexa and sat next to a nearby plant. It was very tall, even tall than Zener. From the white light of Earth's pale moon, I could tell it was brown and felt ruff in textured. But, higher up, little green extensions stretched towards the sky. Despite all that had happened in the last few decioms, I couldn't help but smile. 
“So this is what the Earth trees are like” I muttered. Of course, I had seen these trees before, but only in pictures in class. We had just started our Earth unit, and a few cycles ago learned about the wildlife. I felt a knot tighten in my stomach as I realized I'd slept through all the other lessons. I sincerely hoped they weren't important.
    I just sighed and sat by this tree for a long time, turning my Mexa around in my palm and staring at the sky. Even though I knew it was useless, I couldn’t help shake the feeling that they were coming back. They’d ditched me on other planets before for tests. But, this was no test. 
I was about to attempt contacting Zener on my Mexa, when I saw two of what looked like Earth people walk by. One was tall and wore some strange amorphous gray blob on it’s head. The other was shorter and wore a black jacket that looked like it couldn’t provide warmth if it tried. The tall one had very dark skin, like the soil on Earth. But the short one was only slightly darker than the color of the moon. I sat very still and listened to their conversation. 
    “Dude, I still cannot believe you actually did that!” a male, the one with the blob on his head, exclaimed. 
    “It really wasn’t a big deal” replied the other, also male. This one sounded considerably less excitable than the first. Shameful even. 
“You asked the bartender and everything!” the first exclaimed. I gasped a little. From how these voices sounded, they didn’t seem of age to be drinking alcohol. I didn’t want to know how upset their Fleet leader was at them. 
    “Well what was I supposed to do? Go behind and poor it myself! Besides, it was only one drink. And it didn’t even taste that great” muttered the second. He then shoved his hands into little pockets on his jacket. 
    “Whatever. That was still awesome” replied the first. The two then began to walk towards a strange seating area among the trees that was nestled right in front of me. Oh no oh no oh no oh no I thought repeatedly. I was in no position to run, or move really. I could only be caught. Then, I would be taken to their Fleet leader, where I would be arrest, put on trial, and executed for trespassing and my whole planet would be in danger than they already are. Lovely. 
It was the one with the blob that sat first, but the one with the jacket spotted me. 
    “Hey, what’re you doing?” he called. Stay cool stay cool
“I uh, was patrolling the area for invaders. Decided to take a quick break after one of your….mice attacked me” I called back. I couldn’t remember if it was mice or bears that were the large furry creatures that always looked grumpy. I hoped I was right. 
The male looked confused. It must’ve been bears I thought with a sigh. 
    “Bro, she’s high” the blob headed male told the other. I gasped slightly. 
    “I am not high! I am actually rather short you blind buffoon” I retaliated. How dare they talk to me like that! These were the most disrespectful soldiers I’d met in years! The males exchanged glances and attempted in containing their laughter, but failed to do so. 
“What’s so funny?” I questioned. 
“Nothing” the jacket male called. 
    “Well, then why are you laughing?” I inquired, crossing my arms. The male seemed to ponder this. 
    “Good point” he replied. I grinned proudly. 
    “So, what’s your name muchacha?” the amorous blob head asked. 
“Excuse me?” I snapped. 
“Oh, so you’re not Mexican” he mumbled. The jacket one punch the other. 
“That was so racist. She looks way more Indian than Mexican you dweeb” he informed the other. I laughed. I didn’t know what this ‘dweeb’ meant, but it sure sounded funny. In fact, I didn't know what half of those terms meant. The amorphous blob head rolled his dark eyes at the other male. 
    “Whatever. You still haven’t answered my question” he said. I raised an eyebrow. 
    “What’s your name?” the male repeated. I put my hand on my chest.
“I am Private Ezra Menika of Fleet 374 Jenlinch Sec-“ I stopped when I saw the look on the jacket male’s face. He appeared utterly shocked. 
“Is something amiss?” I asked him. 
“Ryan, look at her arm” the jacket male said the blob headed male. I assumed his name was Ryan. Then, he too took on the same expression. I glanced at my arm. My cut was still there, but now some of my blood was dripping onto my shirt. 
    “Oh dear, so sorry about that” I apologized and wiped the indigo liquid off of my arm. 
    “Forgot you Earth people tend to be squeamish about blood” I finished. They continued to gawk. 
    “Your blood is….blue?” Ryan questioned. 
“Well, yes. Indigo technically” I answered warily. Had he never seen blood before? The jacket male shot out of the seat.
“Wait, you just called us Earth people!” the jacket male exclaimed with alarm. 
    “Well, of course. That is what you are, right?" I asked.  
    “Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God” the jacket male repeated as he began pacing around. 
    “My God? That’s rather selfish. Do you not share a god with your other people?” I questioned. Yet, the jacket male did not answer. But, he did stop walking. He kneeled down so we were at eye level. The male's dark brown gaze locked onto my light brown one with more seriousness than any Fleet leader. 
    “You’re not..from here are you?” he asked. I shook my head no. I thought they’d already picked that up. Earth people are so slow. Ryan’s mouth opened wide in a shocked expression. 
    “Holy shitballs Colby! She’s a f-“ he began, but the jacket male, Colby, covered Ryan’s mouth. 
    “Don’t talk so loud you dweeb! If people found out she a you-know-what, they could like lock her up and cut her open or something” Colby whispered. Ryan nodded. 
    “Okay, Ezra. That’s your name, right?” Colby asked me. I nodded. 
    “Right. First of all, I need to ask you something very vital. Did you come here to like, kill mankind and take our resources?” he asked. I laughed in response. 
“Oh please! Let me tell you, out of all the planets in this galaxy, Earth would definitely be last on my list for resource theft. Besides, I’m not here on my own volition” I replied. 
    “Well then, why the hell are you here?” Ryan demanded. 
    “I don’t feel comfortable sharing that with you!” I retaliated. 
“Hey hey, calm down guys. I don’t need any alien boss battles this late” Colby said. He then turned back to me. 
“Now that we’ve established you aren’t here to kill us all, I’m going to propose to you a deal” Colby told me with a smirk jutting across his pale face. Ryan rolled his eyes. 
“What sort of deal?” I inquired. 
“If I agree to let you sleep in Ryan and I’s apartment for tonight, let you eat some of our food, and fix up that cut of yours, will you tell us more about you in the morning?” he asked. I stared at the male’s face. He seemed quite sincere. I didn’t see any obvious signs of past fights on his pale freckled face. I then looked over at Ryan. Though he was taller and appeared more ‘masculine’ by Earth standards than Colby, he didn’t seem to be harmful. I looked back at Colby, who had his hand pointing at me. 
    “What are you doing?” I asked, pointing at his hand. 
“You shake it if you agree with the terms of the deal” he explained. I cautiously stretched out my hand, and grasped his. Colby smiled, and shook it up and down. 
“We have a deal. Now come on, our place isn’t too far from here” he said. With that, he pulled me up and began to walk. 

Okay, so new story! This is an idea I got in the shower, and is loosely heavily so so heavily based off a song called Rockstar by A Great Big World. I just want to see if you guys like it. If I get feedback, I'll post more. SO if you do like it PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment or favorite or both. Please.
© 2014 - 2024 SkyandShadow
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iepet12's avatar
I for one, love it!!!!! It is very funny and I'm digging the characters!!!! Great job!!!!